• Publications

Conservation Development -S2n-18-12-1

Conservation Development S2n18-12-1

Conservation Development Essay on Ontological Reasoning for Conservation between Nature and Culture S2n-18-12-1 by CDeuker Cite as: Deuker, C.; 2018; “Conservation Development. Essay on Ontological Reasoning for Conservation between Nature and Culture”; ScienceSocial.net; ISSN 2366-0104; S2n18-12-01; https://sciencesocial.net/   Funding Information This work was not funded by any grants, fellowships or donations   Copyright Copyright and all rights are maintained by the author(s). It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author’s copyright. These works may be reposted only with the explicit permission of the copyright holder. Permission is given…

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Statistics for Self-Marketing3

Dollar Pills! Nave, G.; Nadler, A.; Dubois, D.; Zava, D.; Camerer, C.; Plassmann, H.; 2018; “Single-dose testosterone administration increases men’s preference for status goods”; 2433; Nature Communications; 2041-1723; 9/1; https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-04923-0 In this paper it is argued, that a complex biological process of hormonal impact directly influences a complex sociological process of social status by consumption. The authors asked male test persons for different descriptions of brands ignoring that status in society is combined out of different characteristics such as quality and power itself. They produced an index of social status out of status itself and conspicuousness and prestige as well…

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Its the economy…-S2n-18-03-01


It’s the economy … Essay on Identity, Democracy and Economy. A reply to Fukuyama’s notion Democracy doesn’t found Identity by CDeuker cite as: Deuker, C.; 2018; “It’s the economy … Essay on Identity, Democracy and Economy. A reply to Fukuyama’s notion Democracy doesn’t found Identity”; ScienceSocial.net; ISSN 2366-0104; S2n18-03-01; https://sciencesocial.net/ Funding Information: This work was not funded by any grants, fellowships or donations Copyright Copyright and all rights are maintained by the author(s). It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author’s copyright. These works may be reposted only…

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Statistics for Self-Marketing2

In the first section of ‘Statistics for Self-Marketing’, we saw how to find significance quite everywhere out of big and irrelevant data combined with ignorance of statistical preconditions. Now it’s getting more sophisticated. We have a clear plan what to proof and searching for a scientific proof. First you should see the difference to science. The main task is not to clarify the own doubts with the awareness of a fragile and unknown truth, but to do a business. Unfortunately big parts of science follow this strategy either by individual self-marketing through ‘portfolio education’ or by institutional lecture marketing through…

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LacShut Analysis S2n-17-11-01

LacShut Analysis

Lactate Shuttle Analysis Power Diagnostics based on the Lactate Shuttle Revolution Feature by CDeuker     1       Content 1     Content 2     Abstract 3     References 4     New Lactate Paradigm 5     Shuttles everywhere 6     Guessing Premise 2       Abstract The Lactate Shuttle Hypothesis was first published by Brooks in the ’80 [s. Brooks, G. A.; 1985b] with a radical new insight into the concept of muscle physiology: the negation of lactate as a metabolic dead end product of gycolysis due to an oxygen lack during exercise. In experimental testing the appearance of lactate in cells showed very different performance than expected through the…

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Nudging screws to nails

Again psychological economy got a Nobel Price. I am a fan of Kahneman and all the others like Tversky, Slovic and last but not least Thaler – and all the others I do not remind in the first second. What happens lately from my personal point of view is, that in contrast to the founders of psychological economy, today behavioral economics comes along as a white knight of science. Kahneman et al. wanted to widen the economical behavioral concept to get better explanations on an aggregate level. This is still the extraordinary advantage of economy to ignore individuality and find…

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Systematic Election

From a systematic point of view, the gathering for option surveys of politicians is following the agenda of democracy. The only aim of politicians is creating majorities in a democratic process, based on individual preferences. However, we don’t like these kind of politicians, following the path of democratic opportunism. We all are looking for political representatives with fundamental values and norms, suitable for a personal feeling of being decisive. Even those having read the Arrow’s theorem and being aware of this extraordinary intellectual analysis, think of it as a mathematical model and not a problematic description of real democracy. In…

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Statistics for Self-Marketing 1

Today it is crucial to produce extraordinary information. With the structural coupling of (only) positive feedback in social media, a forced exaggeration is taking place for not drowning in a sea of tweets. This is also true for scientific publishing with a focus on successful studies and the run for a marathon publication list. A key feature for this is statistics. One of my favorite paper to this topic is: ‘Matthews, R.; 2000; “Storks Deliver Babies (p= 0.008)”; 36-38; Teaching Statistics; 1467-9639; 22/2; link‘. In this paper, it is ‘proofed’ that there is a highly significant correlation between the number…

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Plush Toy Moralism

Plush Toy

One of the main argumentations for a veggie life is the respect to animals. With a change in your diet, the suffering of animals can be avoided. In some cases, the moral supremacy to carnivores is boost to a categorical distinction between good and evil. The magnitude of emotional sentiments is sometimes really astonishing – maybe because a lack of sacrosanct believes. But this is not the theme here. The argumentation to diminish the pain of creatures that are suffering is straight forward and just a small expansion of an anthropogenic justification. A categorical difference between man and animal is…

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Civil Society

The leaders of the rich countries discussed at G20 summit new rules for the world. This time there was a focus on development of poor countries – or less developed counties. On the one hand they want to increase investments in these countries, which might be an advantage, but in times of a global financial system this is not a clear strategy. On the other hand, they want to strengthen the civil society. Sounds good, but with a look at the members of G20 this seems to be quite obvious. In less developed countries with a weak civil society a…

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  • S2n - ISSN 2366-0104