• Publications

Partizipatives Wildtiermanagement

Problemdarstellung von CDeuker; ScienceSocial.net; duncan@sciencesocial.net Erstellt für wildlifemonitoring.eu Inhalt Problermdarstellung1.1 Natur – Raum – Nutzung1.1.1 Natur1.1.2 Raum1.1.3 Nutzung1.2 Naturnutzung und Zeit1.3 Naturnutzung und Raum1.4 Naturraum und Komplexität Literatur 1. Problemdarstellung 1.1 Natur – Raum – Nutzung 1.1.1 Natur Wir gehen zur Erholung raus in die Natur und bewegen uns doch zwischen intensiv agrarisch genutzten Feldern. Oder ist nur der im letzten Jahr aufwendig renaturierte Bach wirklich Natur? Die Frage nach Natur als Gegensatz zur Kultur, als das Menschengemachte, ist nicht so unproblematisch wie unser alltäglicher Umgang damit. Allein schon sprachlich kommt der Begriff der Kultur vom lateinischen ‚cultura‘ – dem…

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Improving wildlife population density estimation

Improving wildlife population density estimation from vertical looking imagery   working paper by Jakob Viße (jakob.visse@wildlifemonitoring.eu) Ulrich Franke (u.franke@aerosense.de) April, 2020 Cite as: Viße, J., Franke, U.; 2020; ” Improving wildlife population density estimation from vertical looking imagery “; ScienceSocial.net; ISSN 2366-0104; S2n-20-04-01; https://sciencesocial.net/   Funding Information This work was prepared for wildlifemonitoring.eu   Copyright Copyright and all rights are maintained by the author(s). It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author’s copyright. These works may be reposted only with the explicit permission of the copyright holder. Permission…

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follow the white rabbit…

For a couple of weeks we are ruled by models. Here some zoning out of my latest readings… “In chemistry, one molecule is very like another, and the only difference is their spatial location. Dissipative structures in chemistry (Nicolis & Prigogine, 1977) can create spatio-temporal patterns because of this. But populations of organisms differ in an infinite number of ways. Firstly in location, but also in age, size, strength, speed, colour etc. and so this means that whenever a population, X, is being decreased by the action of some particular predator or environmental change, then the individuals that are most…

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Small world and the virus app

For relaxing social distancing because of corona an app for tracking contacts is in debate. The theoretical background of the app is obvious, but the practical advice underlies the ‘small world’ phenomena of exponential growth, just like the virus itself. Let’s take an example. The app traces our contacts during incubation time of two weeks and all critical situations are detected and stored. This is quite a long time so even with social distancing we need to go shopping or at work in this period. If we take an arbitrary number of 100 suspected contacts during two weeks, it would…

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Logic of Place and the Virus

In these times we are afraid of the virus and looking in shock at the number of infected persons. Quite everybody knows the name Johns Hopkins and the latest lethal rate, which is in most cases a legitimation of our acting towards the growth of these numbers. We try to find an adequate response to the subject of this virus out of these aggregate numbers. The virus is characterized and defined out of a subject logic, as Kitaro Nishida would say. The awareness of the entity is a defined and objective system. The response strategy, of not overloading the medical…

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beyond flattening the curve – preserve our parents

the corona crisis faces us with new and radical situations in society. The state to the art procedure is ‘flattening the curve’. An idea that is based on exponential epidemic infection and linear and budget restricted capacities of the health system. This is an effective strategy with a homogeneous instruction. Reasoning about risk management could lead to flexible handling of different risks. With the analysis of specific risks it is obvious, that it is impossible to diminish risks. And with managing risks you should be aware, that you have to take a risk in the end. Covid19 is a virus…

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motivation or interest

Zero or negative interest is said to be a lack of currency demand. The question for central bank economists should be why? Obviously, with a high savings ratio there is no need of immediate credits. It is crucial to think about cause and effect of economic actions to find a direction out of the currency conundrum. The policy of the ECB is making credits as cheap as possible to set an impulse to new investments and, on the other hand, setting a price to savings. Take this description into our daily lives. Would you stop saving money because of the…

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From point of reference to point of no return

Global climate change is a fact for scientists and also for most people. Now the aching question is what to do? The German government released a program lately that is characterized by a series of annual, moderate increasing steps in the direction of the rising problem. This strategy is based on the idea of adaption and does not include the anthropogenic active part in the core of the agenda. The idea of (co-)evolution is very different to adaption, because it is always based on active niche setting. With moderate steps to the adaption on global climate change, the political acceptance…

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mean square value

It’s funny how eager we are focused on our property rights ignoring the fact, that lately after Bretton Woods no natural prices exist. The value of our property rights is exclusively determined by the value of all other property rights as the Ricardian idea of a natural, intrinsic and therefore minimum price is blown away by an unfounded cash generation. A rage in discussion always rises with ideas of welfare contribution through legal reallocation setting the conflict into a separation of individual and social. The determination of our values is closer to probabilities with the point of reference of the…

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  • S2n - ISSN 2366-0104