• Publications

Its the economy…-S2n-18-03-01


It’s the economy … Essay on Identity, Democracy and Economy. A reply to Fukuyama’s notion Democracy doesn’t found Identity by CDeuker cite as: Deuker, C.; 2018; “It’s the economy … Essay on Identity, Democracy and Economy. A reply to Fukuyama’s notion Democracy doesn’t found Identity”; ScienceSocial.net; ISSN 2366-0104; S2n18-03-01; https://sciencesocial.net/ Funding Information: This work was not funded by any grants, fellowships or donations Copyright Copyright and all rights are maintained by the author(s). It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author’s copyright. These works may be reposted only…

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Systematic Election

From a systematic point of view, the gathering for option surveys of politicians is following the agenda of democracy. The only aim of politicians is creating majorities in a democratic process, based on individual preferences. However, we don’t like these kind of politicians, following the path of democratic opportunism. We all are looking for political representatives with fundamental values and norms, suitable for a personal feeling of being decisive. Even those having read the Arrow’s theorem and being aware of this extraordinary intellectual analysis, think of it as a mathematical model and not a problematic description of real democracy. In…

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not Australia

Not Australia

Where do you come from? I’m from Austria. Oh yeah -last summer we went to Sydney and later in the outback… Sorry – not Australia! I had several situation like this – mostly funny. But sometimes uncomfortable, especially for me. Because I’m a guy with some kind of migration background. Saying ‘I’m from Austria’ is not the whole truth. I was born in Germany and grew up there. From that perspective I’m a socialized German, but holding another nationality. This is especially obvious when I come ‘home’ in vacations. For the ‘Alpine Aborigines’ I’m definitely ‘Piefke’ – very German. On…

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  • S2n - ISSN 2366-0104