• Publications

ESAI Estimator for Aerial Imagery – S2n-15-05-01

Density estimation for Wildlife Monitoring using vertical imagery in aerial field research. by Christoph Deuker; Dialectical UNiversal ConsultANcy www.dundotcan.de; mailto:dun.can@dundotcan.de Ulrich Franke; aerosense – remote sensing www.aerosense.de; mailto:u.franke@aerosense.de Abstract A frequently used design for aerial wildlife monitoring is strip sampling. Distance sampling methods are a powerful tool for estimating abundance of biological populations in line transects design. In this paper we want to find a way to use this tool for vertical aerial imagery subject to spatial camera observation contrary to a centerline monitoring. Introduction For a lot of terrestrial monitoring research it is straight forward to accept a centerline…

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  • S2n - ISSN 2366-0104