Tag: modelling
Improving wildlife population density estimation
Improving wildlife population density estimation from vertical looking imagery working paper by Jakob Viße (jakob.visse@wildlifemonitoring.eu) Ulrich Franke (u.franke@aerosense.de) April, 2020 Cite as: Viße, J., Franke, U.; 2020; ” Improving wildlife population density estimation from vertical looking imagery “; ScienceSocial.net; ISSN 2366-0104; S2n-20-04-01; https://sciencesocial.net/ Funding Information This work was prepared for wildlifemonitoring.eu Copyright Copyright and all rights are maintained by the author(s). It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author’s copyright. These works may be reposted only with the explicit permission of the copyright holder. Permission…
Improving wildlife population density estimation

Improving wildlife population density estimation from vertical looking imagery working paper by Jakob Viße (jakob.visse@wildlifemonitoring.eu) Ulrich Franke (u.franke@aerosense.de) April, 2020 Cite as: Viße, J., Franke, U.; 2020; ” Improving wildlife population density estimation from vertical looking imagery “; ScienceSocial.net; ISSN 2366-0104; S2n-20-04-01; https://sciencesocial.net/ Funding Information This work was prepared for wildlifemonitoring.eu Copyright Copyright and all rights are maintained by the author(s). It is understood that all persons copying this information will adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author’s copyright. These works may be reposted only with the explicit permission of the copyright holder. Permission…